Hvordan sikrer du lønnsom vekst?


3 spørsmål:

  • Har du tilstrekkelig og samspillende kompetanse i ditt lederteam? Beskriv
  • Hvor mye tid anvender dere på metodisk nytenkning? Beskriv
  • På en skala fra 1 til 5 – hvor åpen er deres kultur? 1 er veldig lukket og 5 er veldig åpen. Beskriv

Diskuter deretter implikasjoner og om dere er tilstrekkelig rigget for lønnsom vekst.

Mitt selskap IAM hjelper ledere og styrer med vekst og forbedringer gjennom smartere fokus på merkevare og innovasjon. 

Om fornyelse og kommunikasjon


Leste akkurat denne spennende undersøkelsen #SoMeService av Maria Aasbø. Hun setter lys på egne erfaringer gjennom sosiale medier og hvordan hun opplever oppfølgingen både digitalt og fysisk. Jeg er enig:

Det er bare noen få som klarer å kommunisere godt og integrere sin kommunikasjon på tvers av den digitale og fysiske verden. Det dreier seg om god ledelse. Gode ledere setter fokus på nettopp dette. Selskap med slike ledere kommer nærmere kunden og drar fra sine konkurrenter. Og det starter ofte med ledere som har gode kommunikasjonsevner fra før av.

Du har helt sikkert egne erfaringer. Vil du dele de med oss?

En god opplevelse og en dårlig. Jeg starter:


Jeg bestilte nytt rideutstyr fra et selskap i Australia jeg ble oppmerksom på via Instagram. De responderer like godt via direct funksjonen på Instagram som via mail og andre kanaler.


Jeg kontaktet et selskap for å optimalisere IAM nettside for søk (SEO). De hadde en utmerket chat funksjon og en hyggelig rådgiver, men de fulgte aldri opp videre. Dermed glapp en forretningsmulighet.

Nå er det din tur 🙂

It all started with this blog 3 years ago

Today WordPress sent a message to tell me that this blog is 3 years old. That was also the time when my thoughts around IAM Advisory Services started. It took another 1 1/2 years to establish IAM.

At IAM we cannot imagine anything more rewarding than helping leaders and companies succeed with sustainable leadership and solutions for the future. We simply love it!

Welcome to join us on http://www.execiam.com. Please share to leaders you think will benefit. Take a look at the short, informative video below.

I will keep this blog as my private, and perhaps share something from my life and also some more philosophical viewpoints.

All the best from


Author of Business Raw by IAM

Founder of IAM Advisory Services


Millennial guest series. Alisha Lesniak from the USA

Welcome to Business Raw by IAM Millennial guest series! 

I find inspirations in Millennials thinking of today and the future, as well as how they form their professional choices. The first article in this series was with my oldest son and his girlfriend from Shanghai. In this article Alisha Lesniak from the USA shares how her choices have been formed and what she is aiming for. THANK YOU, Alisha! If you are interested in sharing your story, let me know at ingeramyklebust@gmail.com.


As a long-time lover of animals, it was natural for me to want to pursue them as a career path. While I knew that I always wanted to work with animals, it took me a long time to determine how exactly I would do so. I attended Cal Poly for college and graduated with a degree in animal science. The year following my graduation found me living and working in New York, New Orleans, and California. I worked in zoos, animal shelters, and veterinary hospitals.

While each job fulfilled me in its own way, I slowly began to realize that despite not wanting to admit, money was more important than I had once thought. That believe it or not, you actually needed to make money to live a comfortable life.

And unfortunately for me, these jobs just weren’t satisfying that. I am a person of many passions and somehow tend to gravitate towards the more expensive ones. I recently bought my first horse, and am training for my first triathlon. I picked up polo while in college, and since graduating only have the time and money to play every so often.

A polo tournament last summer in Gilroy, CA with my horse, Beowulf.

After talking with a close family friend I started to think more seriously about going into sales. Specifically, veterinary pharmaceuticals, where I could still work amongst the industry I was most passionate about. After applying, I found rather quickly that this is a very competitive job market and my lack of sales skills just wasn’t going to cut it. I sacrificed my animal job at the time to take an entry level sales position. I currently spend my days calling car dealerships to sell them on our auto finance lead program. Never in a million years would I have seen myself in this position. However, I am working towards my ultimate goal, and have learned immeasurable skills in sales and business in the mean time.

I think it’s important for millennials to be open-minded in today’s job market. Our dream jobs are obtainable, but not always out of the gate. We have to remind ourselves of the bigger picture to get where we want.

I enjoy learning new things! This is from my second bike ride. 


Roselinde Torres, Boston Consulting Groups resident expert on leadership, outlines three simple, but crucial questions we as leaders need to ask ourselves.

To stand out and make impact through modern leadership practices and performance criteria is more important than ever. How do we take our brands and organizations leaps forward? How do we shape the future and not only react to it?

If we are still using traditional leadership practices and outdated performance criterias we may be supported by false positives. Lets make sure we are on the right track!

Roselinde Torres takes us through 3 critical questions in the below 9 minutes great video:

1. Where are you looking to anticipate change?
2. What is the diversity measure of your network?
3. Are you courageous enough to abandon the past?

Hope this makes you THINK, and we love if you share your reflections with us here!


Vi var et helt nytt rådgivningsteam i vårt første møte etter sommeren. Salg ble tema. Jeg ler fortsatt når jeg tenker på hvordan en av gutta karakteriserte en god selger til oss andre: «En god selger er en som ikke gir seg, akkurat som en kåt hannhund». Jeg var eneste kvinne i teamet, og klarte vel ikke helt å identifisere meg med hannhunden.

Salg er i endring. Folk svarer ikke lenger på telefonen når fremmede nummer ringer.

Vår natur tilsier at vi søker nærmeste nødutgang når noen jakter på oss. Hannhundene må gjøre seg attraktive på nye måter. Men hvordan?


Absolutt verste scenarie er å pushe sin egen agenda først. Aktiv lytting og sette seg inn i situasjonen til den du vil hjelpe er første steg. Og ikke bli for utålmodig. Det er ikke deg det dreier seg om! En rask transaksjon på dine premisser vil ikke gi spennende avkastning for noen av dere uansett.

Hvem er du interessert i?


Fokuser på hva dere mener gir verdi for kundene – ikke dere selv.

IAM deler aktivt via sosiale medier (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) i tillegg til foredrag og personlige møter. Fornyelse gjennom merkevare, innovasjon og forbedring er gjennomgangstemaene.

Hva deler du med dine kunder?


Relasjonsorienter deg og ditt selskap. Noen av de mest suksessrike rådgivnings-selskapene dedikerer ansvarlige også til kunder som ikke kjøper akkurat nå.

Tenk gjennom hvem du ønsker å bygge langsiktige relasjoner med.

IAM bygger relasjon mot ledere vi oppfatter som fremtidsrettede og er åpne for ny utvikling og endring – først og fremst innen handels-, teknologi- og rådgivnings-bransjene. Det gir «pull» respons, det vil si at våre relasjoner kontakter oss når de har behov for hjelp og kompetanse.

Hvem bygger du relasjon med?

It takes two to tango!

Viktig å huske på at når du lykkes med en transaksjon, så betyr ikke det at kunden har giftet seg med deg. Hold kontakten på det nivået som passer.

Hannhundens utholdenhet har nok fortsatt noe for seg, men virkemidlene for å nå der du vil være er forandret.

Hva tenker du?

Veldig spennende om du vil dele en refleksjon i kommentar feltet under eller med meg direkte på ingeramyklebust@execiam.com. Gleder stort om du liker artikkelen og deler videre med ditt nettverk. Tusen takk.

TEKST: Inger A Myklebust er forretningsrådgiver og driver eget selskap IAM, les her: execiam.com. Inger har erfaring fra ledende, kunde- og markedsorienterte posisjoner i blant annet Orkla, PwC Consulting og IBM i tillegg til sine styreverv.

How do you engage yourself and your company to get closer to your customers and employees?

The world is changing fast. How do you transform to create the competitive edge?

Through discussions I have had with leaders, I feel that there is a true interest for embracing Social Media and Analytics to move to a more personalized, energized and relevant dialogue with the customers and employees. However, the leaders like guidance and advice on how.

Outperforming companies and CEOs are;

– building their ANALYTICAL MUSCLE to respond with relevance and immediacy. They realize they must engage customers as individuals, and that means knowing them as a whole human being — with interests, attitudes, and life circumstances that color preferences and needs. The time of one way mass communication is over..

– not afraid to be present in SOCIAL MEDIA themselves. They have started to involve themselves so that they learn by doing and to experience the ocean of new communication- and development opportunities. They are role models and “Walk the Talk”. The time of “hiding” in the Executive office is over..

– facilitating an OPEN and COLLABORATIVE CULTURE. They are implementing new and more efficient ways to drive value and innovations across the organization. They energize and move closer to their employees every day. Information sharing and collaboration is the key to success. The time of “closed” and one way of doing business- and value creation is over..

When opening up, you are not inviting to chaos, however you are evolving into a new form – one better suited to the complexity and pace of business today. Can you afford to wait?

We hope you like this, and we love if you share with your network and give your point of view!

Use the comment section below – or you can send them to ingeramyklebust@execiam.com


During the last weeks new heights are reached for Business Raw by IAM. More people than than ever have seen, commented and shared our content. Business Raw on Facebook is the most active site.


The article “Vær en stemme – ikke et ekko” (originally published in Hegnar Online) and the communications experiments via video have done something. How exciting!

Would like you to know that we are constantly working to improve content and relevance for business leaders.

How are you working to improve your social media presence and influence?

The photo enclosed was taken on a wonderful bike ride.


All the best from




I continue my RAW video communication experiment.

This time: IAM in 1 minute.

I film with my iPhone and use iMovie in the creation process.

Would love to get your opinion, as well as input on what you do to develop your social presence.


IAM – Serving forward focused leaders from Inger A Myklebust on Vimeo.