
The new domain name for IAM is I got it at The mobile site does not work yet, but I am sure it will be fixed soon.

This new journey is exciting. Learning new things every day. Have to stretch for things that I normally would not do.

My ship will soon be out on the ocean 😊.



4 times a year I meet business leaders in an inspiring Innovation network roundtable. We just had our second roundtable for 2015. Also this time, we centered our discussions around customer relationships and gaps in how brands are delivering on expectations.

And sure there are gaps, even though business leaders often say they already deliver, according to a new survey by IBM and Econsultancy. Also other studies suggest that

Almost 50% of consumers think their brands are clueless about how to reach them. 

HOW TO FILL IN THESE GAPS are therefore some of the most important activities brands and leaders should be aiming for. 

This Mediapost article suggests that we start to create an emotional intelligent strategy. Analyze how the 5 recommendations work for you:

1. Listen Deeply: Understand what your audience is passionate about

2. Add Value First: Rather than just pushing your own agenda

3. Attraction Beats Distraction: Focus on desire and the laws of attraction. “No one likes to be sold to, but everyone loves to buy”

4. Don’t Be Creepy: But surprise and delight your audience

5. Respect when Retargeting: “Just because someone went out on a date with you doesn’t mean they want to marry you”

Hope this inspires you to close some of the gaps for your brand. Or if you are not aware of the gaps, start to identify them.

Take this quote from Boston Consulting Group with you in your development:

The heart and soul of your company is defined by your relationships with employees, customers, suppliers, investors and communities

Hope you like this, and I love if you share with your network and give your point of view!

Use the comment section below – or you can send them to me at

Inger A. Myklebust is a Business Management Consultant, owner of IAM and author of Business Raw by IAM. She is specializing in leadership, market and business development, program and project management. Inger has leadership experience from IBM (11 years), PwC Consulting (5 years) and Orkla (4 years) among others. Connect with her here, at Twitter, Facebook or WordPress.

Om Fornyelse

Det sies at det stĂžrste dilemma for ledere er Ă„ sette av tid til fornyelse og endring.

I fĂžlge en AT Kearney undersĂžkelse har strategi arbeid nesten forsvunnet i kaoset av Ă„ forsĂžke og ”fikse” det man tror er konkurransemessige fordeler.

Kollektiv nytenkning satt i strategisk perspektiv er en av de viktigste lederoppgavene, etter min mening.

Den senere tid har jeg jobbet med ledere for Ă„ gjĂžre nettopp dette. Her er suksessfaktorer jeg observerer – de 7 Ter:

  1. TID: Tilstrekkelig tid er reservert
  2. TEAM: Riktig sammensatt kompetanse med godt samarbeidsklima. Involverer i perioder bredt internt og eksternt
  3. TENKER TÅLMODIG: Anvender mye tid til lĂŠring og observasjon. Tenker utenfor ”boksen” – lar ikke dagens ”bokser” begrense seg.
  4. TREND: Nyutviklingen er basert pÄ analyser av markedsbehov
  5. TARGET: Kunden/ mÄlgruppen integreres i prosessen
  6. TEKNOLOGI: Involverer ofte smart teknologi
  7. TPLAN: En plan/ struktur overbygget med strategiske ambisjoner og dybdebygget med mÄlrettet innhold

Spent pÄ Ä hÞre dine erfaringer! Har du andre omrÄder til listen? Legg igjen en kommentar under og vi fÄr en interessant dialog!

“If it wasn’t hard everyone would do it. It’s the hard that makes it great” ~ Tom Hanks

Inger A Myklebust driver rÄdgivningvirksomhet gjennom eget selskap IAM innen blant annet resultatforbedringer, forretningsutvikling, strategi, marked og salg. Hun har roller som fasilitator, program-/prosjektleder, foredragsholder og mentor. Hennes bakgrunn er blant annet fra IBM (11 Är), PwC (5 Är) og Orkla (4 Är). Inger er Äpen for forespÞrsler, ogsÄ innen management for hire. Kontakt henne pÄ

The first day of the new year

The first day of the new year. Restart and new opportunities to be taken. I will start my own company. Continuation of my consulting will be part of this. I am so excited!

I am sure you also have some changes you like to implement? This article is the most read on Business Raw, and I think it is as relevant now as it was right after the summer vacation. Perhaps it can give you some new ideas?

Enjoy the start of this new year. Be proactive in building your brand and footprint.

Hvordan setter du ditt fotavtrykk? Bilde er funnet pÄ web

All the best from

Inger @Business Raw


Your company brand is being built through your employees, customers and others every minute. And you are probably not aware of all your advocates and also critics out there to the extent you should.

Read this article – and l would love if you share what you think.

Learn from your employees and customers every day. Empower them and they will power your brand!

All the best for a wonderful Sunday from

Inger @Business Raw


Gjennom sosiale medier har jeg fÄtt flere nye muligheter i mitt konsulentarbeid.

Men HYSJ HYSJ – lov meg at du ikke sier det til noen. Det er sĂ„ fint Ă„ vĂŠre en av fĂ„!


Leste akkurat denne artikkelen fra Digital Works – og delt av Lederne pĂ„ LinkedIn. Den sier noe om hvordan LinkedIn er det perfekte verktĂžy i dine forberedelser til ditt business mĂžte.

Men HYSJ HYSJ – la de andre tro at aktivitet pĂ„ LinkedIn bare er for de som sĂžker jobb.

Deling av kunnskap er den nye maktfaktoren og Why is it smart to be social? er noen av artiklene jeg har skrevet for Ä belyse fordelene ved Ä bli mer sosial.

Men HYSJ HYSJ – la de andre fortsette Ă„ fokusere pĂ„ de mer negative aspektene.



Boards spend too much time looking in the rear-view mirror and not enough scanning the road ahead.

I just found this great article by McKinsey & Company that I recommend you to read. The exhibit in the article illustrates very nice how boards should devote more of their time to the strategic and forward-looking aspects of the agenda.

And this also brings me back to my Leadership creative visualization I made a while back 🙂


Hope you like the article, and please share your point of view!

Operational efficiency is not a strategy. It is necessary, but not sufficient


” Companies have properly invested energy in becoming leaner and more nimble. In many industries, however, what some call hypercompetition is a self-inflicted wound, not the inevitable outcome of a changing paradigm of competition
 And bit by bit, almost imperceptibly, management tools have taken the place of strategy. As managers push to improve on all fronts, they move farther away from viable competitive positions

Have you found the right balance for your company?


Forward thinkers in roundtable discussion last week in Oslo

Innovation network for Business leaders challenged by Dag Inge Fjeld

Innovation network for Business leaders challenged by Dag Inge Fjeld

Last week we had a new meeting in our Innovation network for Business leaders. We had the great pleasure of having Dag Inge Fjeld as our guest and speaker. Dag Inge talked about the Big Data ghost – “the algorithm rock n roll” – we now experience in particular with Marketing and Business Development leaders. Working within an industry standard only based on historic data and what your target group tells you in focus groups and similar may suppress creativity and actual opportunities.

Different views in the “echo chambers” that corporations often develop to become are rare. But is it not the different that will take us one step ahead?

A question we will continue to discuss in our next meetings is how the quarterly profit pressured organizations do need to change to properly innovate and develop long term.